About me


Hi - my name is Laurina Waltersperger. If I am not on the yoga mat, I facilitate Emotional Coachings which is my great passion and I am the founder of Project Peace. I live mainly in Zurich, Switzerland. I love to be with people, sit by the lake of Zurich watching the shapes of water, dream about the next beautiful sunset on the surfboard on the ocean, giggle with friends, cook plant based for my crowd, play the harmonium, make fun with my two wonderful nieces.

Over a decade ago, I started my immersing journey into finding out who I truly am and how I want to live. The wonderful teachings of the Jivamukti Yoga Method as well as the Emotional-Coaching-And-Healing Work have truly transformed my life.

As for the yoga, it was many years back in Berlin, when I got to know the Jivamukti Yoga Method. Meanwhile, I have experienced great joy in sharing my knowledge of the method with others. I completed the 300 hours Jivamukti Teacher Training in February 2020 in India at the Ashram of Radhanath Swami (Govardhan Ecovillage). I'm eternally grateful to my wonderful teachers Yogeswari, Lady Ruth, Rima Rani Rabbath, and Jules Febre. They have been such a great source of inspiration to me - full of compassion, humor, and devotion. I also facilitate Trauma Informed Yoga Sessions in small groups or one-on-one to support our wellbeing and healing.

As for the Emotional-Coaching-And-Healing-Work (EMOHA), I got to know my beautiful mentor and friend Sandra Kirchner in 2012, a time facing many challenges, questions about myself, and pain in my life. The method is based on the ancient wisdom of indigenous South-Pacific tribes such as the Maoris or Kahunas. It was in 2022, when I started the EMOHA-Training with my dear teacher Sandra Neff who passes down her teachings as well as those of her Maori teacher Stormy. I have completed my training hours that entitle me to facilitate the method in May 2023, heading towards completing the training.

Founding Project Peace is my humble attempt to establish a platform open to people who want to create more peace for themselves and others; through Yoga, Emotional Coaching, and a caring community.