

Probably the most important part to create more inner peace for oneself is to let go of emotional burden and a limiting mind. The EMOHA-method is designed to release emotional imprints (e.g. pain, grief, sorrow, shame) and false concepts of the mind in order to allow a shift in consciousness and more freedom in how we act in our lives. This provides the ground for healing to happen. In a one-on-one session I facilitate a safe space for you to access the realms of your subconsciousness in order to release emotions at the root of their origin. I will support and guide you through this work. The method is also a wonderful tool to work on physical issues in the body (e.g. pain, digestion, migraine, skin problems, fatigue) – as mind and body are forming one entity and therefore any physical problem has its emotional component.

One session takes between 1-2 hours and costs 130 CHF/hour.

Note: Other prices apply on my travels outside of Switzerland, reach out via Email to check.