
Jivamukti Fall Retreat: Reconnect to Mother Earth

Join us on the journey to reconnect to Panchamama - and her abundant qualities of nurturing and looking after us, providing life and allowing us to ground and find her within us. In this retreat at Casa Corvo (TI), we will practice in the mornings (meditation practice, asana, chanting) and seal the practice with a slow class in the evenings (sound bath, yoga nidra, restorative practice).

Mother Earth provides all life on this planet. She nourishes us, looks after us, and provides shelter to us. And if we connect to her - she soothes and strengthens us with her grounding, caring, life-giving, and abundant qualities. At the same time, she allows us to see her within ourselves - so that we gain more groundedness, inner strength, inner wisdom, intuition, as well as compassion for how we treat nature and all beings. Join us on this journey! It's gonna get earthy, grounding, green, vivid, sweet, feminine, and abundant!

Double-Room 880 CHF I Single-Room 1.000 CHF

For further info, pls send me an email